Sunday, August 24, 2008

Wes to the zoo, mid August.

Wesley loves all animals, especially dogs. His first trip to the Domino's petting zoo gave him a huge thrill! He had high intensity for the whole visit as he kept seeing many different animals.

Wes is a charmer! Early August.

Wes has developed quite a personality. He moves all the time and has taken up to 4 steps. He is not walking regularly yet. He likes to tilt his head to let you know he likes having fun with you.

Wesley's First Birthday, July 12 2008

Wesley had a wonderful first birthday and really, really enjoyed his first cupcake. After a slow start, Wes demolished the cupcake and it was everywhere!

4th of July, Mom and Dad attend a wedding also.

Wesley in June

Wesley enjoys the sun and his first swimming pool experience!

Memorial Day Weekend

Wesley got to eat his first ice creme cone during the Dexter/Ann Arbor Run at SKyline.

Wes graduates with mom in their group in May!

May Pictures

May brings Wesley up to his feet very often. He is grabbing onto whatever he can to pull himself up.

Wes enjoys playgrounds! So do Mom and Dad!

Trips to the parks in the spring! Wesley loves swings and wants to swing all the time!

Wes and his Grandma's

Wes at Easter

Wes is all decked out in his leather jacket for Easter. He is looking real good!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

February 2008

Wes is enjoying Valentines Day dinner with Mom and Dad at Panera.

Feb 22, Wes is with all his friends at Mommy and baby group. Can you find Wesley?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Here are Wes pictures that help Mom and Dad enjoy the end of a work day!

Grandma got Wes quite an ugly sweater with a couple Lions on it. Can't say "no" to Grandma's!

Wes is eating three meals a day now, plus milk.

Wes is taking well to all kinds of fruits and vegetables. He started with peaches and really likes those and he eats green beans, sweet potatoes, prunes etc.

Wesley is a 1/2 year old in this picture.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Thanks Mommy.

Mommy thought it would be funny to get Dad and Wes matching shirts. Dad looks terrible because he was quite sick for a few days over the break after Christmas.

Wesley's favorite Christmas Present.

Wes really loves trying to stand up in his new bouncy seat. Thanks Santa!

Wesley's First Christmas!

We Love Pooh and Santa!

Becoming a Big Boy!

Wes is in the 95% for height and weight. Here Wes is seen rolling over by himself and as well his first meal with real food. Not much ended up in his mouth compared to his bib.

Wesley's first basketball game that he saw me coach.

We lost this game and it might be the only loss of the season.